Voices in Harmony Choral Workshop with Paul Sartin & Jackie Oates.
This is a community workshop open to all ages and abilities.
This event is part of the Voices in Harmony project*
Where: The Sanctuary, The Methodist Church, Bridge Street, Andover
When: June 11th 2022. 10am - 2.30pm
Book: Email volunteers@andovertrees.org.uk.
*‘Voices in Harmony’ has been planned jointly by both artists and Andover Trees United and will lead children and adults on a musical journey in celebration of woodlands, including the Ash Trees from which Andover partly derives its name*. Collected stories and memories together with reworkings of traditional songs will be combined into a new composition and Tree Shanty which will be performed alongside traditional folk song in Harmony Woods, accompanied by the made-audible responses of the surrounding trees.