Andover Trees United is a volunteer-led charity.

Whether given on an occasional or on a regular basis, all contributions are valued and no offer of help is too small. Support from paid officers and project leaders is dependant entirely on grants and funding awards.


Volunteering Champions

Our Champions are regular volunteers who are collectively responsible for the practical work of caring for the wood, looking after the allotment tree and wildflower nursery, running and supporting events and are the driving work force of Andover Trees United.

Volunteering Champions, whose names appear in bold, form the Management Team and meet weekly or fortnightly with Trustees to manage and plan workdays and events, to discuss and oversee both the charity’s day-to-day management and its ongoing development.


Linda Bagnall
Workday & Events Support; Horticulture; Catering

Ron Ballard
Regular Monday Workday Team

Sylvie Ballard
Regular Monday Workday Team & Events Support

Jana Binderova
Green Crafts & Events Support

James Blyth
Youth Organisations Coordinator

Izzi Campbell
Regular Monday Workday Team & Events Support

Brian Campbell-Bottoms
Regular Monday Workday Team, Landscaping and Site Maintenance

Liang Chen
Regular Monday Workday Team

Karen Coffin
Workday & Events Support

Paul Finch
Annabel Gunter
Regular Monday Workday Team

Terri Forbes
Workdays Leader & Events Support; Green Crafts

Doreen Gregori
Workdays Leader & Events Support; Fundraising

Annabel Gunter
Regular Monday Workday Team

Annette Hobbs
Workday & Events Support; Foraging

Amy Ingram
Fundraising Team; Catering (especially cakes!)

Sam Ingram
Regular Monday Workday Team

Simone Ingram
Regular Monday Workday Team & Events Support

Trevor Powell
Regular Monday Workday Team

Stephen Pyle
Regular Monday Workday Team

Fiona Taylor
Andover Trees United Inbox & Communications Team

Kat Uren
Community Team & Events Support

Jo Workman
Regular Monday Workday Team

John Workman
Regular Monday Workday Team



The intern’s role focuses on the three aspects of our ‘Nature in Harmony’ project:

  • conducting weekly flora and fauna surveys between April and September, and then writing the annual report,

  • organising and co-leading the monthly Nature in Harmony Exchange Project youth team sessions,

  • organising and leading monthly public ecology-based citizen science sessions over the spring and summer.

There are opportunities for the intern to tailor the role to their interests and get involved in other aspects of the charity’s work. The Intern is also a member of the Management Team.


Hebe Everington

Hebe is an Ecology and Wildlife Conservation graduate with an interest in plants, environmental education, and practical conservation work. She is also passionate about horticulture and community gardens. 

 We asked Hebe what she is looking forward to doing during her internship:

“I am excited to be the intern for 2025 at Andover Trees United. I’m looking forward to leading citizen science sessions, as I enjoy sharing nature with others. I am interested in gaining more experience in environmental education and developing my surveying skills. In particular, I look forward to expanding my plant identification skills.  I am also looking forward to completing research and getting involved in practical conservation.”


Strategic & Support Officers

These are paid posts that we have been able to create thanks to funding awards.

We are enormously grateful to National Lottery and its players for current funding.


Nature & Community Engagement Officer; Volunteer Recruitment & Retention

Abbey Sadler

Abbey Sadler has a degree in Marine Biology, Ecology and Conservation from Portsmouth University and has spent the last few years working with sea turtle conservation projects in Greece. She also has multiple years experience working with the public in the customer service sector. Abbey is passionate about the environment and sees educating the next (and existing) generation as a key factor in successful conservation. n

PR, Marketing & Communications Officer

Hannah Cantellow



The Trustees, all of whom are local residents, are formally responsible for the ‘health’ of the charity, for the care of volunteers and for ensuring that the aims of Andover Trees United are met. They are accountable to the Charity Commission, to the membership and to the local community.

Become a Trustee

We are keen to hear from anyone, with or without previous experience, who would like to take on the role of Trustee. Please visit our Contact page.


Wendy Davis
Operations Manager & Schools; Management Team

Wendy graduated in Education Studies and accumulated 30 years teaching experience, 10 years of which were spent developing learning outside the classroom and sustainable and environmental education programmes.

During this time, her work with students won awards from Growing Schools, Learning Through Landscapes, Year of Food and Farming, CPRE Hampshire and the Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots & Shoots ‘Mission Possible’ programme.

In 2011, she founded Andover Trees United and now coordinates its many and varied projects. As UK coordinator for UN Environment Programme Plant-for-the-Planet, Wendy also helps 8-14 year-olds to train their peers as Climate Justice Ambassadors.

She loves singing and story-telling, world travel, spending time in and caring for the natural environment and sharing her passion for the natural world with anyone who will listen!


Liz Scrace
Treasurer & Community; Management Team

Liz’s interest in conservation and the environment and concern about the effects of climate change led her to become actively involved with Transition Town Andover and Andover Trees United from their inception.

Liz is a chartered accountant who, on moving to Andover in 1987, set up an accountancy practice which she continues to manage. She has experience as an independent examiner for several local charities and served as trustee for Hampshire and Islands Area Quaker Meeting.

Liz is married with three grown up children and among many interests she enjoys walking, singing and gardening.

Dan Lobb
Woodland Design

Dan originally studied Fine Art Sculpture, a catalyst for numerous installations and commissions, and in 2006 received an MA in Landscape Design from the respected Inchbald School of Design; followed by, in 2014, a post graduate diploma in Landscape Architecture from the University of Gloucestershire.  Since this time he has focused his creative energy on designing inspirational gardens and public spaces.

Dan is a Registered Member of the Society of Garden Designers. He has exhibited at RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show and received a Gold Medal and the ‘Best Conceptual Garden’ award for his innovative ‘Landscape Obscured’ garden in 2011.

Tim Rolt bw.jpg

Tim Rolt
Local Authority Liaison; Management Team

Tim has worked in the software industry for most of his career, working extensively abroad, having originally gained a degree in Electrical Engineering. He has been interested in trees since childhood and became involved with Andover Trees United when he was County Councillor for Andover North.

He is married with three children and his interests include folk-singing, reading, foreign languages, history and walking.

Susan Risdale
Business Networking; Management Team

Susan is a make-up artist, nail technician and networking specialist, committed to supporting sustainable practices. She set up and runs Natural Business Network (NBN), a friendly and relaxed business networking group where participants have the chance to meet other business owners, community members, organisations and individuals.

Andover Trees United was delighted to welcome Sue as a Trustee at the 2021 AGM.


Alex Marshall
Ecology; Youth Team Leader; Management Team

Alex joined Andover Trees United in 2019 as an ecology and community Outreach intern, then worked with us a our resident ecologist, and in 2023 became a trustee. Alex set up the Nature in Harmony wildlife monitoring and citizen science project, as well as the Nature in Harmony Youth Team. She brings to the team a background in ecological conservation and a passion for science communication and working with young people.

Alex currently works at The Woodland Trust and in her spare time enjoys spending time outdoors, traveling and painting.


Youth Team

Our youth team have either taken part in the Nature in Harmony Exchange Project, volunteered as part of their D. of E. Award or joined us as a result of a work experience placement; several have trained at Plant-for-the-Planet Academies, graduating as young UN Climate Justice Ambassadors with an understanding of the importance of trees and tree planting and the role that they play in mitigating the climate crisis. They regularly give their time to look after the wood, support youth activities, raise funds, help at events and give talks.

If you would like to invite members of the Youth Team to give a talk to your organisation, or if you have or know of land suitable for tree planting, please contact them here.

Active members currently include: Matt, Natalia, Lily, Sophie, Amy, Eddie and Henry