Living by the Ash Tree Waters
Artist-led Winterbourne walk - Appleshaw
Where: Meet on the playing fields near Appleshaw Village Hall
When: Saturday 30th April from 9.30am -11:.30am
Why: To learn more about the Winterbourne that runs through Appleshaw at certain times of year, some years
Who: All ages but small children will need to be accompanied by an adult and supervised by the road, the pond and the bourne ditch
Please join us for a walk by the Winterbourne ditch in Appleshaw. Pupils in Y1 and Y2 have been working with artist James Aldridge to design ‘Nature Explorer’ backpacks which will be made up by Andover Trees United, thanks to grants from TVBC and through the Watercress and Winterbourne Landscape Partnership Scheme, made possible by NHLF funding.
Artist, James Aldridge will lead a walk starting on the playing fields near Appleshaw Village Hall then along a short section of the road to look at the course of the Winterbourne (there may or may not be water in the ditch). We also hope to visit the pond. Pupils and their families will have the opportunity to test out a prototype backpack - using some of the equipment which the children have decided to include!
Learn more about the Winterbourne and its creatures and plants.
Sign up through eventbrite at:
*Living by the Ash Tree Waters project uses artist-led walking explorations and musical encounters to connect children and adults in Andover and two nearby villages to their chalk streams and rivers.
Explorations along stream and river banks will use specially designed backpacks and the visual arts to celebrate and awaken curiosity in participants about their waterways. Learning and performing traditional folk music, with a focus on locally collected songs, will introduce local residents to their stream-related heritage.
This Andover Trees United project is funded through TVBC and through the Watercress and Winterbourne Landscape Partnership Scheme, made possible by NHLF.