Andover Trees United Celebrates UN International Peace Day with Local Schools at Harmony Wood


On 20th September 2024, Andover Trees United (ATU) marked the UN International Peace Day with a memorable celebration at Harmony Wood, a day earlier than the global event to allow local school children to participate. 

The charity, dedicated to environmental education and sustainability, orchestrated another beautiful procession through the woods, featuring their famous giant doves held aloft by students, teachers and ATU volunteers alongside the Worshipful Mayor of Test Valley, Councillor Ian Jeffery, Mayoress Mrs. Maura Jeffery and Jasmina Georgovska, Director of Outreach for Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots at the Jane Goodall Institute UK. Their presence added depth to the event, aligning with shared goals of environmental stewardship and global peace. 

Schools that attended the event included Clatford C of E Primary School, Harrow Way Secondary School, Icknield School, Knights Enham Junior School, and Portway Junior School. Additionally, there was representation from Andover’s homeschooling community, broadening the event’s reach across different education sectors.

The procession, accompanied by Mr. Mayor, the Mayoress, and Moppet, the Test Valley Mascot dog, concluded in the Meadow at the heart of Harmony Wood. A prayer for peace was read by representatives from each school in the serene setting, creating a moment of reflection. Mayor Jeffery then delivered a compelling speech, highlighting the importance of peace in our everyday lives and communities. To mark the occasion, he planted a commemorative Oak tree in the Meadow—a symbol of strength and longevity.

Photo by Abbey Sadler

Following the tree planting, the children engaged in an activity that blended creativity with symbolism. They decorated wooden shards with personal messages, expressing their hopes and aspirations for peace, which were then placed around the newly planted Oak. Peace doves, handcrafted by the children, were hung in the trees throughout Harmony Wood, further spreading the message of harmony and unity.

The day concluded with refreshments, cake, and a light lunch, all lovingly prepared by volunteers from Andover Trees United. It was a peaceful and reflective afternoon, full of symbolism and joy, bringing together generations in a shared commitment to a more harmonious future.

The organisers extended their heartfelt thanks to all who participated, especially the students, teachers, and the local community, making this celebration a memorable success. With the newly planted Oak and the decorated wood shards standing in Harmony Wood, the message of peace will live on for generations, reminding visitors of the shared hope for a more harmonious world.

Happy International Day of Peace from all of us to you!

Photo by Abbey Sadler

Abbey Sadler