Everyone is invited to plant wildflowers (raised from seed by volunteers over the spring and summer) and help with wildflower seed sowing to create a new meadow, part of a wildlife habitat trail which is being developed in the new commemorative arboretum area which was planted in 2020 within Harmony Woods.
AM: Arrive 9.45am for 10:00-12:00
PM: Arrive 1.15 for 1.30-3.30
(Bring lunch if you are staying for both sessions)
To book a place, please email volunteers@andovertrees.org.uk
All participants must contact us in advance to book a place. This is part of our Covid policy. It allows us to send all participants our Covid guidance in advance and ensures that we have enough equipment prepared so that nobody has to share (other than with their immediate household).
This autumn/winter marks the 10th and final year of the schools’ woodland creation project where, Covid permitting, 1000 school children and 100s of residents from Andover and surrounding villages will be supported to plant 1000 UK native trees in Harmony Woods and Andover Trees United is calling for everyone in the community not to miss the opportunity to get involved!