Nature Explorers Easter 2024

Nature Explorers Easter 2024

It was with great excitement that we prepared for our Easter activity sessions, the Spring looked to be finally upon us; the trees were budding and the skylarks were most certainly making their prescence! Although we certainly did get some Spring wind, rain and a bit of everything inbetween! it was wonderful for us to enjoy the signs of new lfe with so many young people. During the week, our older explorers carefully explored the woods and the pond, wonderful moments as newts and tadpoles poked their heads out to say hello! Trees budded and flowered, dandelions with their burst of colour and many insects made their presence, not wanting to miss out on all the fun!

Our brave explorers then discovered the joys of foraging. Plantain leaves, daisies and dandelions were on the menu today along with the house special - nettle pesto with pasta. The young chefs were fabulous, picking, washing, prepping, cooking and eating - most of the food was enjoyed!

The youngest explorers most certainly did not show any signs of wanting to miss out! They, as always, were amazing fun to have at Harmony Woods. They were so creative, Owl Babies were our inspiration, and with a selection of materials available, our amazing explorers created clay owls, nests built in the trees and wonderful charcoal paint creations.

We look forward to seeing you all again in the Summer.

Jo Oliver-Hawkins