Walks & Talks with AGM 2023



On Saturday 9th September 2023 we held our Annual General Meeting with contributions from a wide range of team members.

The morning began at 10am with a guided Walk & Talk around Harmony Woods, led by our Nature in Harmony Exchange Project youth team. Our intern Laura, one of the youth group co-leaders, gave an introduction and health and safety briefing, then handed over to the team.

The youth group led members of the public on a route around the woods, stopping at a range of points of interest to share information about the site and things they’ve learned and worked towards over the last year: the Cabin, the Jubilee Oak (the final tree planted as part of the 10-year planting programme), the Wood Pile (an important deadwood habitat), the Scot’s pine tree (planted by the youth team in 2022), the Wildflower Meadow and Hazel Circle, the Pond, the Habitats Trail, the Dragon Garden (a landscaped memorial garden currently in progress), Conservation Corner (a youth group project), the belt of mature trees on the western boundary where bats are often seen, and the Pinch Point (another youth group project).

Everyone then made the five-minute walk to Landale Wilson Hall in Enham Alamein, where the ATU management team, Trustees and other volunteers had been setting up. After a short refreshment break, the AGM was officially opened by the ATU Trustees at 11:15am.


Charities are required by law to have AGMs, which allow charity members to approve the minutes of the previous AGM, financial accounts for the year, hear about the charity’s work over the previous year, and elect trustees. Andover Trees United does not have a paid membership scheme, so counts anyone who has volunteered for the charity over the last year as a ‘member’.

The agenda of official business began with a Welcome from Trustee Wendy Davis, followed by Apologies for Absence, the Minutes from the previous AGM on 10th September 2022 (which were approved), the Trustees’ Report for the year ending 31st March 2023 (accepted), the Treasurer’s Report for year ending 31st March 2023 presented by Treasurer and Trustee Elizabeth Scrace, the Election of Trustees. The five Trustees who have been in place for the last year - Wendy Davis, Elizabeth Scrace, Susan Risdale, Tim Rolt, and Daniel Lobb - were all re-elected and Alex Marshall was elected as a new Trustee. Any Other Business ended the proceedings and the date for the 2024 AGM was set for Saturday 14th September.


A range of presentations followed the official business. The members of the team who have started their roles since the previous AGM - Ecology Intern Laura Morrell and Nature & Community Officers Abbey Sadler and Jo Oliver-Hawkins - gave personal introductions and briefly talked about the work they’ve done since joining the charity last winter. Trustee Dan Lobb spoke about the Dragon Garden, a project he has taken a key role in as a landscape designer, and Volunteer Champion Shane read out a poem he’d written (you can read the poem at the end of this article).

The members of the youth team who have just completed their first year gave short presentations about their mini-projects, and were in turn presented with certificates for completing their Junior Forester Award. New co-leaders Matt and Natalia, members who are moving into leadership alongside the adult volunteers, introduced themselves and each spoke about something they have been involved with this year. Matt spoke about the Outdoor Leader Training the group participated in back in March, which helped them learn skills, techniques, and activities for helping people connect with and learn about the natural world in outdoor settings. Natalia spoke about the recent summer holiday family activity sessions which members of the youth group helped out with. Other members of the youth team then joined them at the front to receive their Outdoor Learning Leader Training certificates as well as 2- and 3-year completion certificates.

After all the presentations and thanks, the event came to a close and attendees were free to enjoy the displays, ask questions in an informal setting and enjoy a finger-buffet lunch, made by our volunteers. The display tables set around the room, included information and pictures on the Cabin build, the Dragon Garden, last year’s Musical Celebrations of our local landscape (Voices in Harmony and Living by the Ash Tree Waters), the recent archaeology dig, and the upcoming fundraising walk.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and to everyone who has volunteered with ATU over the last year, without whom we would not be able to achieve the things we do.

Andover Trees United poem, by Shane Pike

It all began with a vision

Wendy made a decision

That came to fruition

Becoming her life’s mission

The 10 year milestone has elapsed

Planting ten thousand trees

Ten thousand pairs of small hands

Each leaving their mark collectively

All walks of life

Like a tribe for the greater good

Wearing a smile at our green space

That we call Harmony Woods

A sanctuary for flourish

Among the trees, plants, animals and bugs

Notice how alive you feel

When you give Mother Nature a hug

EventsLaura Morrellevents